Thursday, January 28, 2016


So the truth is I might be in a little over my head. To quickly catch up all my AVID followers, here's what's been happening. In the past few months, I graduated from two more UCB classes, Improv 201 and 301. I had the pleasure of learning from the great Billy Merritt for 201 and I'm going to do my dangdest to grab a spot in one of his upcoming 401 classes. Guys, I love UCB so much. And I just really want to kick ass so bad.  (On a way sidenote, that last sentence there is a UCB Amy Poehler quote that is somehow so obscure that I couldn't even find a meme for it; just one lousy picture from the same scene. Ridiculous. See below.)

"I want to kick ass so bad"
I want to move forward with the classes but, like an idiot, I enrolled in a graduate program at USC. Everyone, including myself, thinks I'm crazy, but I'll save that rant for a different day. The point is, I can't do everything at once but I sure am trying (hence the busyness)

Ok back on track. My hubby Jason and I are currently in production on a Star Wars parody video. I can't share too much about it at this point but here's a sneak peak to sauce your cookies.

The star of our story, rocking out on stage.
And his captive audience
We have two more shoot dates (one in the sand dunes of Death Valley) and we hope to release on May 4th, which has become the unofficial Star Wars Day. I'm super proud of the work Jason and I have done so far. I can't wait to share it with all 2 of my loyal readers! STAY TUNED!

Lastly, Jason Snellman and I have started a YouTube channel in which we'll release the parody video and a lot of other things that are currently in the works. For now, we've flooded the page with really short videos from our travels and our daily lives. Our hope is to have a track of impromptu videos like these to make you laugh and another track of produced content to make you Think. Haha Jk. Those will also make you laugh. ....think.... that's funny. If we succeed, please subscribe! I have a perhaps unattainable goal to reach 100 by the end of February! Check out SnellyVision and subscribe!

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